Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Rhino

Fuck this poutine. I just didn't get it.

My fries came in gravy soup..literally. And although I'm usually one for ordering a cup of gravy for myself as something to wash the poutine down with, this was shit. Watery and it tasted like a foot.

But thankfully I love beer and they have so much of it, so horrah!

But fuck their poutine.


Queen & Gwynne Ave

Gladstone Cafe

I would like to quote a piece from the poutine scriptures:
"If it's ghetto, it's great!"

Seriously. If a restaurant has a bullet hole in the window, a dugged out man outside of the place with a nose bleed, and a body outline on the sidewalk....this probably means that this place is the ruler of everything that is poutine. Fellow fans, you must seek these places out and repeat these words "Parkdale, parkdale, parkdale."

It's as though Bon's has been resurrected and all of my hopes and dreams lay before me on a basket of newspaper. I've been waiting my whole life for this poutine. This is my destiny. You all must find yours here, and go on a spiritual journey with each bite.



Queen & Dufferin

Wheat Sheaf

A cold glass of beer is poutine's beverage bff.

Good beer. Alright poutine. What i can say about it is that it's big (size matters- always) and the fries aren't bad. Gravy seemed to be missing something (love?) but this is a good joint for poutine if you're fiending. Also, one of the servers may be on speed so that's very entertaining.

King & Bathurst